Making of Shri Krishna Bhawan

Under the presidentship of Rambir Yadav it was a first priority to search for a suitable plot for Yadav community building. Many plots were searched, some small plots were allotted to Yadav Kalyan Sabha. But Yadav Kalyan Sabha Refused to take over those plots because Yadav Kalyan Sabha required a big Plot for such a Big Community of this District.

Although the efforts of Yadav Sabha for gaining a big plot were being strong to stronger but the success was nearby. Haryana Govt. decided in Cabinet Meeting of June 15, 2014. to allot a plot of 3000 Sq. Yards for Yadav Bhawan in Rewari. PWD Deptt. allotted the plot on July 16, 2014 to Yadav Kalyan Sabha at the prime location in the heart of city, the Land of old court of SDM on Col. Maha Singh Road. Rewari. The plot was allotted at concessional rate (10% of the Govt. Rate) @ Rs. 6500. per Sq. Yard. Total cost of plot Rs. 1,95,00,000 ( One Crore and Ninty Five Lakhas only) was deposited within a month from the date of allotment of the plot.

The foundation stone was laid by the local M.P. and Central Minister Rao Inderjeet Singh as the chief guest. All the Ex. & Present Ministers and MLAS of Ahirwal were invited in the Function. Most of them attended that Function.

Foundation stone laying ceremony
Foundation stone laying ceremony of Shri Krishna Bhawan by MP Rao Inderjeet Singh

Yadav Kalyan Sabha Rewari appointed Rao Gajraj Singh as an architect to archive the building plan of Shri Krishana Bhawan. The Satya Construction Company was selected by an open Tender for the construction works of Shri Krishan Bhawan. In the supervision of architect Rao Gajraj Singh the construction work of Shri Krishan Bhawan was completed by Satya Construction Company Governed by Mr. Lalit Yadav.

A “Construction Committee” of Yadav Kalyan Sabha, headed over by Ex President Rao Kuldeep Singh worked for quality control of construction & materials. Structural work of the Building is completed. Finishing and Furnishing works are in Process. Estimated Budget Plan of this Five Storeys Building is Rs. 15. Crore Approximately. Shri Krishan Bhawan will be a Unique Multi - Purpose Building of Ahirwal.


It was because of untiring day and night efforts Rambir Yadav the President and his team that such a big amount was collected and deposited in such a short time. Yadav Kalyan Sabha Rewari has Organized the Annual Functions in 2012, 2013 and 2014. under the theam “ Pratibha-Protsahan evam Samman Samaroh” Successfully. Hundreds of Brilliant Students Awarded and 2-3 Dozens Scientist, Doctors, Engineers, IAS, IPS, HCS and Judges were honored with “ Yadav Gaurav Samman” every year by Yadav Kalyan Sabha Rewari. There is a Phrase that “ Visibility needs no evidence” Members of Yadav Kalyan Sabha Rewari were fully appreciated with the efforts of President Rambir Yadav and his Team.