Rewari was a very famous in Dwapar era as Reva–Wadi. It was the home of the parents of Reva, the daughter of king Rewat. She was married to Dau ji, Balram, the elder brother of Lord Shri Krishna , the king of the broad kingdom of Yaduvansh.

In the present also Rewari is known as the “The Capital of Yadavs” but there was no registered organization of Yadav community in Rewari up to the last half decade of 20th. Century. “YADAV KALYAN SABHA,REWARI” was established in April, 1996 under the presidentship of retired Colonel Ratan Singh Yadav, resident of village Majra Sheoraj.

Col. Ratan Singh Yadav was elected as president unopposed. He nominated three other office bearers from among the total 19 members and organized the “Founder & First Governing Body of “Yadav Kalyan Sabha Rewari”. That Sabha was registered under the Societies Act of Haryana Government Vide Registration No. 147/1996 on April 30, 1996.

President Col. Ratan Singh Yadav and his team members are the Foundation Stones of Yadav Kalyan Sabha Rewari. The Yadav community feels proud of them because a “Small Plant” seeded by them is growing up to be a “Giant Banyan now”.

Col. Rattan Singh Yadav

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